Poor Oral Health May Be Causing You Other Health Issues

Concerns about dental health typically start with worrying that we’re not brushing or flossing enough, or that that pain in our gums may be an abscess, but the consequences of poor oral health may go further than we suspect. Recent research has revealed correlations between sub-par dental hygiene and conditions like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and more. While good oral health certainly helps to prevent root canals, cavities, dentures, and other results of decay, it may also be contributing to ensuring you live a long and healthy life overall.
What Kind Of Complications Can Arise From Poor Dental Health?
It all starts with decay, gingivitis, and periodontitis, but it doesn’t end there. During your twice-yearly check-up, your dentist will be ensuring that you don’t have oral cancer, that your teeth are coming in correctly, and that you haven’t developed abscesses or other infections. Without ever leaving the mouth abscesses can be a serious concern, as that infection can get into the bloodstream if it goes untreated. In some cases the result of this can be life-threatening, meaning that a root canal is going to be the least of your concerns.
What Was That About Heart Disease?
Recent research has revealed that patients who have maintained poor oral hygiene habits also tend to have a higher risk of developing heart disease and dying from the same. While the data currently suggests a connection, the nature of that connection is still up for debate, but the data draws a clear line on one point. If you have poor oral hygiene habits, your chances of dying from one of the nations most prolific killers are significantly increased.
Oral Health Can Cause Alzheimer’s?
The research is on-going, but there are definite ties between this condition and poor oral hygiene. Research has revealed that the same bacteria that can be found in patients with Alzheimer’s brain tissue also appear in the mouth’s of those who have poor dental hygiene. This is especially worrying given that these bacteria are known neurotropic, preferring to target and eliminate neural tissue as part of their natural processes. This, in turn, leads to the formation of amyloid plaques and inflammation, all of which are known to be found in AD patients.
As research continues, there are more and more connections that imply that the health of your mouth is indelibly tied to your whole body health, making proper dental hygiene more crucial than ever. This is true for all ages but is especially critical in aging patients as their immune systems tend to make them more vulnerable to conditions like these.
If you have questions about how your oral health can be affecting your overall health, pick up the phone and give Jacob Laudie a call at Jacob Laudie Dental. After graduating from the University of Missouri Kansas School of Dentistry, he began his practice in the Lees Summit, MO area to bring his expertise to the patients of his state. If you’re looking for a dentist who will watch not over just your dental health, but your whole body health, make an appointment today.