Nutrition – What Is Best For My Teeth?


Nutritious food cannot take the place of good oral hygiene, but making healthy choices can have a positive impact on teeth and gums. Dr. Jacob Laudie and his team at Jacob Laudie Dental are passionate about the well-being of their patients. They offer a wealth of information on how a well-balanced diet that includes calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, and Omega-3 fatty acids can provide the body with essential nutrients to promote and maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Eating With Care

Not only do the types of foods matter, but the frequency of eating also plays a role in tooth decay. When people eat, the teeth are bombarded by tiny food particles. Saliva steps in to wash away as many food particles as possible before the bacteria in the mouth can convert them into acids that cause decay. The problem with eating frequently is the sheer volume of food left behind. Dr. Laudie recommends eating healthy, sugar-free snacks to feed one’s appetite.

Choose Wisely

Saliva is nature’s workhorse. Not only does it wash away food particles, but it pulls double duty and neutralizes the acids that cause tooth decay. Water is a close second since it can help wash away food with no negative side effects, though it does not neutralize acid. There are many ways to increase saliva production to improve oral health. Sugar-free gum with xylitol gets saliva flowing and may help protect teeth. Although citrus fruits are acidic, they also increase the flow of saliva.

Teeth and gums need to be protected to prevent infections and decay. The Omega-3 fatty acids found in foods like fish and flax have natural anti-inflammatory properties to help keep gums healthy. A boost in the minerals that help protect teeth can come from milk and cheese. As a bonus, dairy products also increase saliva production, which helps neutralize acids. Protein, phosphorus, calcium, and Omega-3’s help maintain oral health from the inside out.

Avoid Sugar

Drinks that are chock-full of sugar are on top of the no-no list, along with candy and sweets. When the sugars from soda, sports drinks, and juices wash over the teeth, the bacteria in the mouth get busy. Sticky candy and sweets are awful because the saliva is not able to get rid of the sticky pieces fast enough to prevent damage. It is not the sugar itself that causes the decay. Saliva helps balance good and bad bacteria in the mouth. Bad bacteria thrives off of sugar. As the bacteria breaks down sugars, it leaves behind the acid that causes the erosion.

Dr. Laudie is the premier Lees Summit dentist to see for regular dental exams. Residents of Lees Summit, MO have access to a caring and compassionate team at the best Lees Summit dental practice around. It is evident that one of their goals is to educate patients on how proper nutrition promotes healthy teeth and gums.