The Hidden Dangers of the Sparkling Water Trend

Sparkling Water Drinker

Sparkling water has been a popular, refreshing, and low-calorie option for those seeking a bubbly beverage to avoid sugary drinks. But while it may seem like the perfect solution to your drinking needs, it’s also important to know the hidden risks associated with excessive, prolonged consumption of sparkling water, as it can cause negative effects on your dental health. 

The Hidden Risks of Sparkling Water

The primary concern with sparkling water lies with its acidity, which is the result of carbonation. When carbon dioxide dissolves in water, it forms carbonic acid, which decreases the water’s pH level and makes it more acidic. Even though sparkling water is less acidic than soda, frequent exposure to these acids can cause harm to the teeth over time. The acidic effects of sparkling water can cause the enamel to erode over time, leading to tooth sensitivity, discoloration, and eventually decay. 

In these cases, it’s crucial to treat sparkling water as an occasional treat rather than your primary source of hydration. While tooth enamel is considered the hardest substance in your body, it is also highly susceptible to damage. Once the enamel is gone, it cannot be naturally restored. 

When comparing sparkling water to regular water, we highly recommend choosing regular water as your beverage. That is because water offers many benefits to your oral health, including: 

  • Hydration: Water is considered the best way to hydrate your body, including your mouth. A well-hydrated mouth is optimal for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. 
  • Acid Neutralization: Water has a neutral pH of 7, which counteracts the acids in your mouth. 
  • Saliva Stimulation: Drinking water helps stimulate saliva production, which provides many oral health benefits. Saliva works to wash away food particles and plaque, neutralize acids, and remineralize tooth enamel. 
  • Food Particle Rinse: Water also acts as a natural rinse for your mouth, assisting in dislodging and washing away food particles stuck between your teeth. This effect reduces the likelihood of bacteria growth and tooth decay. 
  • No Sugars or Acids: Unlike drinks such as sodas, sports drinks, and sparkling water, water is free from any additives that could harm your teeth. 
  • No Staining: Water also doesn’t contain any colorants or chromogens that can stain your teeth, unlike coffee, tea, and red wine. 
  • Overall Health Support: Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for your overall health, which also influences your dental health. A healthy body contributes positively to your oral well-being.
  • Cost-Effective and Readily Available: Water is widely accessible, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. Opting for water as your beverage of choice can save money and reduce waste from single-use plastic bottles or other packaged drinks.

Learn More About How To Care For Your Smile at Summit Dental Group 

While sparkling water can be a suitable alternative to sodas, it should be consumed in moderation. Always consider the impact your dietary choices have on your teeth, and if you want to learn more about how to best care for your teeth, schedule an appointment today with Summit Dental Group in Lees Summit, MO, by calling (816) 524-3535 to speak with Dr. Brian Schowengerdt today.