
Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a process that helps to whiten the teeth by eliminating any stains and discoloration. It is one of the most widely used dental cosmetic procedures because of its ability to help improve the aesthetics of your teeth. Teeth whitening is also a service that is provided by a lot of dentists, so […]

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Mouthguards: All You Need to Know

If you’re like many people, you likely find yourself grinding your teeth at night or clenching you jaw. While these might seem innocuous, teeth grinding and jaw clenching can lead to serious problems. These include: Cracked teeth Broken teeth Muscle stiffness TMD/TMJ – temporomandibular joint disorder What is a mouthguard/nightguard? A mouthguard is a device […]

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What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is quite common in the United States. In fact, there are an estimated three million people in the U.S. who suffer from this disease. Periodontal disease must be diagnosed by a professional and is not something that you should try to treat at home. People who have periodontal disease should get to the […]

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Don’t Fear The Root Canal: Modern And Painless

For generations, the idea of a root canal was enough to elicit winces and grimaces from everyone, even those who’ve never had one. There was a pervasive idea that the procedure was so painful that people would regularly use it as a yardstick for misery, with phrases like “I’d rather get a root canal then…” […]

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Retainers & why we wear them

Most of us are familiar with braces, those complex and somewhat scary looking metal constructions that we had as kids to straighten out our crooked teeth. Fewer are familiar with retainers, though they are often associated in the minds of those fortunate ones who didn’t need braces with those who have had them. So what […]

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Waterpik dental jets play a huge role in reducing bacteria in a person’s mouth and improving their overall oral health. This unique tool shoots a strong jet of water between teeth, underneath appliances, and in areas where your toothbrush might not be able to reach. One of the most common complaints of people who wear […]

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Here’s How Bacteria in the Mouth Affects the Body

It might seem like a gross over statement, but the truth is, your mouth is an entryway to the rest of your body. Because of this your oral health plays a major role in the overall health of your body. If your mouth is unhealthy, then chances are the rest of your body is unhealthy […]

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Want to improve your oral health? Try Not Rinsing After You Brush

Brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your daily routine. In fact, if you didn’t brush your teeth you’d find yourself having a hard time eating, drinking, and talking. After all, that’s what your teeth help you do and when you don’t brush you suffer from decay and lose your teeth. […]

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Periodontal Disease and Prevention

Periodontal disease is one of the most common dental ailments we see in patients. In fact, over three million people in America suffer from this disease. Periodontal disease must be diagnosed by a medical professional and requires treatment from a medical professional. Never try treating it on your own. What is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease […]

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EQUIA Forte Filling Material

There’s a procedure in the world of dental restoration that’s been proven to be an incredible alternative to long-term routine fillings typically used in dental restorations. EQUIA glass fillings have been used for several years in patients who have a high rate of decay. They’re a great long term option when compared to traditional composite […]

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